The Nairobi Gallery: A beautiful journey through art

Hello Everyone, I recently visited the Nairobi Gallery in the CBD to pass some time while waiting for a friend to get to town. The gallery is located at the corner of Posta Road and Kenyatta Avenue, right next to Nyayo House.

It is such a breath of fresh air, away from the noise and hustle of the city. There is also a coffee shop onsite, PointZero Coffee, where you can indulge in a cuppa after visiting the gallery.

The Nairobi Gallery houses cultural art collected by the late Vice President, Joseph Murumbi. Together with his wife Sheila Murumbi, they collected African textiles, jewelry, stamps and rare ancient books all over Africa and parts of Asia.

Enjoy some photos of the gallery.

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First Impression of the Nairobi Gallery

At the center of the hexagonal shaped room is a ceramic pot. The white-walled rooms have high ceilings, and leading to the various rooms. The gallery is divided into around 6 rooms, each containing a different collection of art.

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Room 1

This room is filled with sample stamps collected by the Murumbis. The original stamps are housed in the National Archives.

Fun Fact: The Murumbis shared stamp collection was said to be second only to the Queen of England’s by the time of Joseph Murumbi’s death.

Room 2

This room is a collection of textiles, artifacts and furniture used by Royalty across Africa.

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Room 3

A depiction of the late Joseph Murumbi’ s living room area with furniture used in his Muthaiga home.

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Photos and artwork from various African artistes are displayed along the Gallery’s corridors.

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Room 4

African artifacts, weaponry, regalia, furniture and utensils.

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More art…

Room 5

Jewellery from various African communities as well as items used as currency across the continent.


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Overall, the Nairobi Gallery is worth a visit. Art enthusiasts will especially love the collection of African art and the history behind cultural expressions such as dress, weaponry and jewellery across the continent.

It also hosts temporary art exhibitions for collections sold by local artists. For  more information check out their Facebook page.

The museum is beautifully curated and each showcase has a detailed description. You can get a guide to show you around if you are interested in knowing a little bit more about each collection but I found it unnecessary. If you do decide to go with a guide make sure you ask whether or not they will charge you to avoid any surprises.

The gallery does not get many visitors, on that particular afternoon there were only three visitors, myself included. Take advantage of this and the affordable rates to learn more about African history through art.

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I love how conveniently located it is. So the next time you are in the CBD or the next time you are in need of an escape within the city do pay the Gallery a visit.

Remember that you do not have to go across oceans to travel, explore the gems in your city.

See more of Nairobi here and here .

Share this post with a loved one and Until next time, Bye!



    28 August 2019 at 10:12 am

    Really,this place is a worth a visit!

  2. Riani

    8 October 2019 at 1:01 pm

    That gallery is worth to visit ! I seriously love your story. Hope you are always full of happiness

    1. Ivy Miricho

      8 October 2019 at 4:49 pm

      It really is. You should visit it:)
      Thank you so much.
      Sending light, happiness and blessings to you.

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